
TRIUMPH, the name of a solemn procession in ancient Rome, constituting the highest public honor bestowed upon a commander who achieved great successes in warfare. The pageant was led by the senate and the spoils and prisoners, after which came the victorious general or naval commander in a vehicle drawn by four horses, and the rear was brought up by the army of the victor. The procession extended along the Sacred Way to the Temple of Capitoline Jove, where sacrifices were solemnly offered to Jupiter. A naval triumph was usually smaller than one celebrated for a military commander and the festivities were characterized by nautical trophies. The triumph was concluded by an extended season of banquets and entertainments. It was customary to bring captives, especially hostile chiefs, to the pageant, and they were usually put to death during the triumphal march. The last triumph was celebrated in 302 A. D. by Diocletian.

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